Environmental Sustainability
I will work aggressively to ensure a healthy and sustainable environment for future generations to come. I believe Roseville can be carbon neutral by 2050. Within the City Campus we already use Geothermal and Solar technologies. We can work toward a carbon neutral future by expanding these technologies throughout the City and working with the community on equitable green policies. Many cities in the United States are working toward aggressive carbon reduction standards and I will work to gather community input to adapt the current available frameworks to fit Roseville’s needs.
Carbon Neutrality by 2050
- Establish pollution and emission reduction standards and guidelines at a city level while ensuring all new development to be compliant with carbon neutral and energy efficient standards to be set in stages.
- Focus future investments on alternative energy and green infrastructure to modernize the City’s energy grid like the addition of bus routes throughout Roseville to further reduce car traffic and further improve accessibility throughout Roseville.
- Ensure large companies such as Wal-Mart and Magellin Pipeline contribute financially towards City updating/retro-fitting and Carbon Neutral goals including but not limited to additional taxation. The City must also seriously consider termination of contacts with companies such as Wal-Mart and Magellin unless they comply with Carbon Neutral goal at or before 2050.
- Long term investment in small, locally owned businesses to implement and incentivize efficient technologies and practices. Offering certifications through the City on green business practices, design, and technology are one such incentive.
- Creation of a Community Advisory Board to recommend stages of focus, provide insight on achieving Carbon Neutral goals, guidance on policies and how to accomplish these goals in an equitable manner. The Advisory Board can also provide assistance with and insight regarding grants and funding are available for small business owners to modernize.
- Further develop our relationships with Energy Providers, trash collectors, and recycling partners to provide 100% plastic recycling, and City-wide green energy and composting (residential, business, and publicly).
Deer Population Efforts
In order to address the population of our deer effectively and humanely, I support Immuno-Contraception rather than continued controlled kills. The City has so far done two controlled kills, and it certainly will not be the last—even with a feeding ban in effect!
Immuno-Contraception is 90% effective in preventing pregnancy and preliminary studies support longevity in sustainable deer populations. Contraception is non-invasive as it is delivered by tranquilizer like darts and there are no known health risks. Immuno-Contraception is preferred by several agencies including the Humane Society, the Bureau of Land Management, the National Park Service, and the Institute of Health.
In the long term, the price of the contraceptive (which can now last up to 3 years) is fiscally sustainable compared to the costs (on a County/City level) to continually fund a controlled kill. There are grants and several agencies willing to subsidize the costs if the City chooses to be a part of a research project focused on its effectiveness in curbing populations in the long term.